Sunday, August 27, 2006
if i died right now, how many people would care?
if there was a funeral and i was the main attraction, how many people would even bother to turn up?
how many people's lives have i impacted? of these, how many are positive?
kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it? but by the time the answer becomes apparent, we wouldn't be around to find out for ourselves. so the only way we can make sure that people actually care about us is by making the most amount of impact upon others while we're still here, preferably positive impacts.
how many people have we hurt, without even knowing it? how many times have we said something, be it a joke or an angry insult, that scarred someone on the inside, and not even know it 'cause they do their best not to show it? how many times have we been selfish, and ignore people in their times of need, or betray the trust that others have placed in us?
"trust". i did some reflecting a dew days ago, and my conclusion is, i'm just not worthy enough to be trusted. after being told that i couldn't be trusted, then having someone say that i betrayed that person's trust, really make it obvious, doesn't it...
thus, i have come to a decision. i'll be nicer to everyone. i shall love my neighbour as myself. i'll try to start praising people more often (if you've realised, i hardly/never do that). i'll be more interested in other people's affairs if they choose to confide in me, and if i see someone i need i'll try to help. and most of all, i'll shut up about other people's personal stuff. let's hope i can do that...
7:15 PM
And through it all, the rise and fall...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
yesterday nani's birthday, today sharon's birthday, another thing, just realised yesterday was my blog's 4 month anniversary! muahahahaha
anyway, let's recap. rewinding four days, to last saturday...
met up with james and wei jian in west mall to surprise nani and sharon with a birthday celebration. wj brought the cake, and the three of us went to burger king to chill for awhile before entering macdonalds, where we assumed they were. when it was time, we brought the cake out and lighted the candles outside mac. went up the stairs. looked around, no sign of them. went further in. looked around, still no birthday girls. seeing that we decided to put out the candles (i got to blow 16-year-old birthday candles 4 months early!). james called zilah, realised they weren't in mac yet, and they said sharon was reaching, so we lit the candles again. waited. and waited. and waited... then i got a sudden, shocking realisation: could they be in bbecc mac? james called zilah, realised they WERE in bbecc mac, and we proceeded to get pissed. everyone stared at us and we just stood there, holding the stupid cake...twice!!! well, who cares, i got to blow out the candles again! muahaha
anyway, after that wj said he was hungry, so we went to mos burger for him to buy breakfast before taking a cab down to bbecc. saw zilah waiting at the bustop, and we went to the public tables area. nani was already there, but sharon was MIA, so we (james and i) brought the cake (candles lit) into the cc itself to hide it. when sharon arrived, we came out and set the cake on the table. by then the candles were already almost burnt out. one of them actually burnt till less den 1cm, as in, almost totally flat against the cake. so we started singing birthday song for nani, and she was, surprisingly, surprised (we told her we were celebrating sharon's birthday). then we sang for sharon, and she, too, was surprised (we told her we were celebrating nani's birthday). so, overall, it was a good day, one that couldn't even be ruined by security guards ;p
had a G-R-E-A-T service after that with Dr A.R. Bernard speaking. learnt alot from him. i like the cause-effect one, and not just cause of the example he showed :p
could tell wj absolutely loved the one about gays. that was when he laughed the loudest... lol
Kristos kai kosmos. Christ in the world.
7:56 PM
And through it all, the rise and fall...
Friday, August 18, 2006
after 9 days of absence, the guy who you all love to hate is back!!! but it's only temporary, so bear with it.
i'll probably be using on sunday too, do the chem mind map... i know, it was due LOOONNGG ago, but i was lazy to do. haha. but the time has come when i can no longer avoid it, so i will just have to sit my ass down and do it. sigh. wonder what's the point of getting a zero in any of the tests now, i mean, no matter how high or low you get in tests, it doesn't affect your grades, does it. not that i got a zero for any of my tests, just wondering.
just remembered something, mr wong promised us a meal in west mall if we got A in prelims. realised i've been too busy catching up with bio, i didn't even touch chem except during the tests. as a result, i've forgotten many things, rendering me unable to do the five year series. gotta work harder now... sigh.
my math is pretty much okay, except for one big thing i realised after checking my answers on the tys. i am VERY careless. i mean, i miss out things like "express as a whole number" and that sort of stuff, and as a result i think i lost 1/3 of marks i would have otherwise earned. why is prelims so close?
or rather, why did i wake up so late?
on a happier note, i'm getting my phone repaired :)
after the chem extra lesson, umesh, kok, wj and i waited for edward while he had his one-on-one remedial with ng ping leng. they had it at the study corner outside 4e1's ex-classroom, so the rest of us hung out at the table behind them. min and li jie joined us after a while. we played truth or dare, number style. lazy to explain the rules. alot of the dares had to do with trying to provoke edward to laugh while we did things behind ng ping leng's back. could see he was struggling not to. haha
after that edward accompanied me to the nokia shop at causeway point to get my phone repaired. getting it back tomorrow, with upgrades! and even better, because it's under warranty, it's all free! woot! only downside is that the upgrade would delete everything in my phone memory, including the contacts which for some reason could not be saved into my card. ah well, will get them back.
i'll make a prediction for my o levels now.
English-B3(i'm gonna get murdered by comprehension)
Comb. Humans-C6
Core Geog-D7
L1R4- 3+4+4+4+6=21
scary... gotta work harder, especially if i still want to get into Film and Media at NP.
wish i was back in secondary one, where the stress level was more than half of that of secondary 4. but then again, i hadn't met my Lord back then yet...
God, help me in my studies. In Jesus name, amen.
7:49 PM
And through it all, the rise and fall...
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
ah...finally found that music to paste on my blog (it's above the links). it's from the Matrix Revolutions soundtrack, and just in case you're wondering where it's played in the movie, it starts when Neo and Smith have the "final fight". right before the chior guys sing the second time, there's a beat of a drum, and that's when the first punch from both of them collide. yea, i'm a Matrix fan, so what? i would still have the movies with me, if Shaun (4e3) did not borrow it and apparently lock it in his cupboard where he "lost the keys" to it. i miss the movie... if possible, one day when i get my hands on all 3 of them again, i will find a day when i feel like just slacking at home, then watch all 3 of them at one go...
well, enough of that, i'm going to talk about the barbecue now. (P.S. this post was supposed to come out about 2 or 3 days ago, but due to some complications involving my brother being the most selfish guy on Earth, it has been delayed.
Date: 8 Aug 2006
Location: BBQ Pit/Mr Wee's House/Function Room, The Petals, Hillview
i've been to quite a few barbecues in my life, with my family (including cousins, uncles and aunties. is this called extened family? cause i'm not sure if that means things like cousin's cousin or something) , but none with my friends. so naturally, this one was a different experience. i'll exclude the parts that happened before that, all the last minute buying of the food, cause personally i think the barbecue is much more interesting, although there was this part while buying the marshmallows where me and james did the exact same action at the exact same time, but i won't go into details...
when we (nani, sharon, edward,umesh, yuting, meihui, zilah) got there (mr wee's house), he hadn't reached home yet, so we hung around in the BBQ pit for awhile, before heading down to his house (edward, umesh and me).
when we got to his block, we saw kok, wj and james there, we went up to his house. the door was open, so we took the liberty to walk in :P upon entering, you are greeted by the sight of a BIIIIGGG mirror on the right. on the sofa sat mr wee's daughter. when i saw her i was kinda surprised. mr wee looked so young, and he was already married with 2 children...
fast forward a few hours, cause nothing much happened except kok trying to start a big fire with a deodarant, and ending up extinguishing what little fire we made :P
edward, kok, james, umesh and i, being bored, went down to the gym, where a stupid security guard chased us out just because we weren't in proper attire. i mean, lighten up! what's your problem, you won't even let people have some fun? when we left, we headed for the toilet, where edward took revenge by washing his hands, thoroughly. when he was done, the whole sink was filled with water and bubbles from the soap. the funny part was when he was doing it, he was saying "i take revenge, you don't lemme use your gym, i waste your water."
after that we decided to head to the tennis court. the same security guard, who seemed intent to deny us any fun, stopped us and told us that the court was only booked by mr wee up till 9, while it was 9.10, and even after we told him that mr wee had already called in and extended the time, he was still too stupid to comprehend that he was just a small, lowly little security guard working for people who pay for his meals, demanded a signature from mr wee. by the time he stopped having the fun that was deprived of him since childhood, he had wasted 20 minutes of our time. james and i played tennis for a short while, and edward, kok and umesh shot a few hoops in the basketball basket (haha, don't know what it's called) attacked to the wall, with umesh trying to shoot one-handed.
we were joined by weijian, yuting, meihui and sharon, and afterwards zilah, so sharon and mei hui took over tennis while the rest of us played basketball (weijian, yu ting and me versus james and edward, with umesh "commentating", zilah not arrived yet and kok quan leaving due to a spoilt shoe). edward and james had great teamwork, and were almost impossible to defend, for me at least, and so in then end we lost 11-8 even with an advantage in numbers.
when it was about 10.30, the ones who were remaining decided to go home. wj, james, zilah, yuting, meihui and sharon taking mr wee's car, nani, umesh, kok and i taking 173, and the rest going to the bustop at the other side.
on the road in front of the bus stop, we found one of mr wee's tennis balls shot out from the court. and at the time it was too late to bring it back, so i kept it :) next time we see mr wee i'll return it.
Thursday (10/08)
met up with james and wj to watch Adam's Apples at Cathay. then we found out it was NC16, meaning i, as a december boy, can't get in. so we decided to hang around til 1 o'clock when min arrived, and travelled to cathay (can't remember which one..haha). there, we decided to watch Click. at first i was kind of reluctant to watch it, but i thought, oh well, it can't hurt.
after watching the movie though, i realised i almost missed a GREAT movie. for those who haven't watched it yet, i highly recommend that you do. the concept of a universal remote controlling the universe may not be much, but the scriptwriters managed to make one heck of a movie with it. there are a few tearjerking scenes though, so remember not to put on ur make up ;)
went to service with min. wj couldn't make it so it was just us two, like back in the days...lol jk.. we planned to meet at City Hall interchange, with me on the train and her boarding mine, but it turned out she hadn't got there yet, so i alighted at Lavender and waited for her train to come before boarding it.
we were supposed to meet winnie at EXPO, but since we arrived one hour early, we went to the national library book saleat hall 4. most of the books there were selling at $2. guess that's what happens when you want clear a stock of seriously outdated books...
by the way, min is one scary reader. in the space of 45 minutes she manged to almost complete reading one whole book, and it's not the kind of book with lots of pictures. maybe it's me who is slow. hm...
well, that's kind of it, actually. and i won't be updating alot now, cause i'm lazy i need to study. so, bye...
4:50 PM
And through it all, the rise and fall...
Saturday, August 05, 2006
i've been using the com everyday since thursday, and i'm lovin' it!
sadly, it won't last...have to start Prelims/'O' Level boot camp now...
had a good day today...went to West Mall with my mom for lunch, and for me to grab some revision books to arm myself with in the war against exams. took the bus there since it wasn't 3pm yet (my family drives a red-plated car. the bright side of it is that the bright red goes really well with the car colour :P ). when we reached there my mom said she wanted to look at some clothes, so i left her and went up to Popular.
found alot of books for my revision. let's see...
1)History Elective Guidebook--$11.90
2)Math 'D' Ten Year Series--$3.99
3)Biology Ten Year Series--$5.88
4)Biology Critical Guide--$19.95
5)Long Man SS Pocket Guide--$6.20
6)Long Man Geo Mini Guide--$6.85
7)Holding these books on your hand while you wait for mom taking her time with shoes--Priceless
There are somethings money just can't buy. For everything else, there's Popular Card to get a discount with.
there i was, holding these books which were starting to weigh like a 5kg packet of rice, and walking around Popular like an idiot (i obviously couldn't walk out..) and my mom was 2 storeys below me looking at shoes! and she still had the cheek to get impatient with me (wo zai mai xie la, ni zai teng yi xia la!--i'm buying shoes now, wait a while longer!)! apparently, her "yi xia" or "a while" was half an hour.
well, at least i can get through my target of 15hours revision a week, or 3 hours a day on weekdays, now. when i started this week i faced many problems, the biggest one being not knowing how to study w/o tys or notes (which i had left in school by accident). now, i have the study materials to last me for a lifetime! or two months.
after buying the books, we headed down to Mayin restaurant. the food there is very very very very very very very good (note: they didn't pay me to write this). i love the "huang zi dan dan mian". dunno what it is in english, but it's noodles. when you are hungry and happen to be in west mall, DO NOT GO TO THE STUPID OVERPRICED UNDER-STANDARDS KOUFU!!!(they don't have to pay me to say this, i'll gladly pay to say this myself) instead, head down to Mayim, on the 2nd floor, and order number 42 on the menu, except if you happen to be a muslim, or are alergic to pork, or have a stomach space the size of a teaspoon, by which case you don't even need to go near the place. go try it out yourself, and you'll see what i mean.
going for CHC 17th Anniversary Celebrations and Festival of Praise tomorrow! woot! hahaha...alright then, nothing else to talk about now, so till the next post, don't die!
ps. realised i've been surfing around blogs and leaving comments about kok in some.. haha, kok, do'nt take them seriously hor, i'm only joking :)
8:49 PM
And through it all, the rise and fall...
Friday, August 04, 2006
back again after more than a week. if you're reading this, you clearly have no life, because i've already said i won't be updating much. nevertheless, since you're here, might as well read on...
had a great service with Reuben Morgan (think he's a HillSong singer). the new song, "Mighty to Save", was awesome. anyway, we had a guest speaker, Dr Mike Connell with us. he's someone who is famous for doing deliverances (kinda like exorcism, but i wouldn't call it that...). there was a special service after the normal service just for doing deliverances. i wouldn't go much into it in case people freak out, but it was my first time seeing it, let alone going up for deliverance.
something happened during these two days. well, somethings, actually. two incidents on two different days, which tested the limits of my emotions. the second one which involved some issues between my firends is kinda solved, but the first one is still there. however, with the grace of God, i've managed to come out of both of these "dark valleys" as the same old cheerful me :) for those people who saw my "dark side"(couldn't resist, sorry), don't worry, it only happens like, 2 times a year on average, so we'll probably wouldn't see the "jinyu-with-a-face-that-looks-ready-to-kill" for the rest of the year, unless the first problem strikes me again.
a very short school day(see, home room does have its advantages, although if someone broke his/her leg, he/her would have to move up and down the stairs constantly, but nevermind them, our principal wants us to act like we're in Poly! *please note the heavy sarcasm, i do not want to be labelled as heartless*). mdm rosnah didn't come today, so the class slacked in the study corner, most of them studying chem. me and edward were talking with kana, mirna and kok until ed suddenly remembered we had chinese homework to do, so we borrowed kok's homework to help "guide" us along as we did ours.
chem test was reasonably easy, without the structured questions which actually required us to think instead of recall. mr wong promised us (edward,kok, sharon, nani, wj and me) that if we got an "A" for our prelims, which he thinks is highly unlikely, he would treat us lunch anywhere in west mall. so guys, lets work hard and make him bankrupt! if i really got an "A", i'll fast for 3 days, living on water, so as to: 1) thank God for His grace and 2) create room for the treat.
after school, the six of us went down to the canteen to wait for Mr Wee, our very much missed former math trainee teacher, to meet up and have lunch at KFC together. he arrived in his car, and the 6 of us squeezed in (5, actually...wj had the liberty of sitting in the front seat as he couldn't seat with us in the back). edward sat on kok's lap, and his head was touching the top of the car, so he had to bend his neck to an awkward position.
when we reached west mall, Mr Wee dropped us off and went back to school to get more people, so we booked the seats first. after a while, zilah, marinah, meihui and yuting came, followed minutes later by fahmy(memah), hafiez, and haziq. Mr Wee came after that, and bought some things for us. halfway through, fahmy(the other one) walked into KFC and joined us. so good to see Mr Wee again...
while eating, some of Mr Wee's ex-dunearn students came into the place. no offense, but they seriously need to work on their proud attitudes. anyway, one of them looked almost exactly like wee kang! except that he was taller, not that skinny, and i suspect his voice wasn't as "qian bian" as weekang's lol jk. but besides that, he had the EXACT same hairstyle wk, roughly the same face and he also wore specs.
having a barbeque at Mr Wee's place next tuesday! woot! feel as if the class is more united than ever, thanks to Ms Widya, who brought us together, and Mrs Barnwell, who kept us together...
7:16 PM
And through it all, the rise and fall...